The brilliant mind who came up with the original idea for Access Denied many years ago, before Allen evolved it into what it is today. A television historian, Kenn knows more about television’s history than you can imagine. A true student of the form called sitcom his insights will ensure that this show is a success.

Kenn Bradley has been in love with television since the age of two, when upon waking up would crawl to the living room to watch a test pattern until regular programming resumed. He has studied and researched television genres covering the golden age of television thru the 70s and into today. He will however have nothing to do with 1987.

He has produced and directed over 10,000 hours of live Television production during the last three decades with subject matter ranging from sports, sales, music, and comedy. He has an extensive collection of rare pop culture references. His sense of humor holds nothing sacred and he believes Abe Lincoln to be one of the most inspirational comedic concepts of the past century.

His original idea of Access Denied had floated around his head for years until Allen Berrebbi heard the idea and developed in into what it eventually became. Allen is the driving force and the show’s evolution owes much to his dedication. A personal quote from Kenn:

“Many people are qualified to do a job but it is passion that separates the adequate from the outstanding. This project will be outstanding”.